Monday, April 6, 2015

Kyan's birth story! {and some random ramblings}

Monday, January 26, I had a doctors appointment to check my progress (I was 39 weeks). I had just gotten my membranes stripped a couple days before hoping that would speed things up. No luck. No contractions or anything. Since nothing had happened over the weekend, my doctor scheduled me to be induced the next night (January 27th at 10 pm) because they had Kyan already measuring almost 9 pounds a few weeks before and had more fluid than normal. The rest of that day I remember went by so slow for me. I was ready to meet my baby already! 
The next morning I got up and got ready. I couldn't sit still that morning, and had just felt so uncomfortable. I had horrible back pain throughout my entire pregnancy and that morning it had felt even worse. I didn't think anything of it and had just figured it was me being anxious about going in that night. Justin had been into work that morning and when he got home is when I remember I started feeling contractions in my back (but I wouldn't admit it because i was almost in denial since that was the first time I was feeling anything) Him, Lisa and I left for lunch and I was continuing to have them, at this point Lisa had started timing them and they were 3-4 minutes apart. Here we are in jimmy johns and I'm having contractions, no big deal, right? ;) We hurried home and I couldn't leave to the hospital until I knew the dogs had gone on a walk. Plus, I wanted to feel things out and was kind of putting off going to the hospital to see if my contractions would continue. I didn't want to get there and have them stop, because that would've been just my luck (even though they would've taken me either way since i was scheduled for that night) It was around 2 o'clock that we finally started heading to the hospital. Contractions were starting to get stronger and stronger and on our way all Justin could talk about is how he forgot to grab movies and he wanted to stop at a redbox (joking, of course, but he had us laughing!) 
Once we got there, they put me straight into a triage room to check my progression. I was dilated to just under a 5. They moved me straight into my delivery room and within 45 minutes of being at the hospital they gave me my epidural. Once I got that i was so relaxed and couldn't feel a thing. It's almost scary how relaxed you feel. 
My nurse I had when I first got there was awesome! She came in and told us it was time to switch shifts so she would make sure she found somebody cool to take care of me. And she did just that! A couple hours went by and I wasn't progressing as fast as they were hoping so she started me on pitocin. I wasn't on that for long before they had to take me off of it because my contractions were too close together and hard that it was stressing the baby! 
A little while later, around 8 o'clock, the doctor that was on call came walking in (still in civilian clothes and all) set her purse on the bed and told me she was going to break my water. Funny story (and may be TMI)...about 20 minutes after she broke my water we were just sitting there talking and all the sudden I told them I had felt like i was sitting in a pool of water. We started hearing water dripping and Lisa looked down and eyes got big "oh my gosh!" Let's just say they weren't kidding when they said I had a lot of fluid! I am SO glad my water didn't break in public!
We all thought for sure I would be having him before midnight after that! The nurse came in around 11:30 and I started to push. I wasn't pushing for very long and she told me I would have to wait a little while longer because he was still sitting pretty high and she didn't want me to get tired. She brought some kind of ball in shaped like a minion that i had to put in between my legs laying on my side to see if that would help move him down. It seemed like FOREVER I had to do that.
It was then around 2/2:30 in the morning that I finally started pushing again. We had the country music station on...I was ready to have a baby! Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours of pushing. They had put me on oxygen and I was getting SO tired and started to feel so much pain from pushing so much. 
Just when i felt like giving up, mommy and daddy's song came on. I got goosebumps and broke down bawling. That is the ONLY thing I clearly remember the whole almost 3 hours of pushing. I knew they were right by my side and something I will NEVER forget.
A little after 4 o'clock the doctor came back in and told me that Kyan's head was still turned funny and where he was such a big baby every time I was pushing it was making his heart rate drop. She also said I would probably be pushing for at least another 2 hours. I knew what she was getting to but she never came right out to TELL me to have a c-section. I just knew it was the best decision and what I had to do to keep Ky boy and myself safe. 
They got J all gowned up and prepped me to move into the OR. My nurse was back and forth between my room and another patient's room and she came up and gave me kiss on the cheek and told me she wasn't going to leave my side.
As I was laying there I just stared at the clock waiting to hear my baby boy's first cry.
At 4:36 am I heard the doctor say "he's here! big and healthy!" Not long after (but seemed like forever at the time) I heard that sweet little cry and it was then that I broke out in tears. He was here, we did it!
Kyan Troy Daley. Weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Lots of dark brown hair and dark blue eyes! He was perfect. Our little piece of heaven was finally here!

the beginning of our long night/morning!

beyond thankful i had these two by my side! even if i made them freeze!

hearing his first cry <3

my cute little chunk!

seeing my boy for the first time and first family picture!

the best feeling in the world!

our precious little man! Kyan Troy Daley.

When I went into my 6 week checkup, my doctor noticed that I had been released from the hospital the day after surgery. She said something that really caught my attention. {We had been trying to have a baby for 3 years} She said "you know, the ones who try so long to have a baby I think are able to endure more pain". Now I'm by no means saying i'm "stronger" than anyone else or that my labor was "harder" than anyone else's. But I do know that there is not one day with my baby Ky that I take for granted. Especially on the hard days, I sit down and remind myself how long of a journey it took to get him here and there are others in that same position who would do anything to have a baby. When I am out in public I don't know how many times I get stopped by strangers when they see I have a small baby and say "oh wow are you getting any sleep" Of course I just smile and say "yes, he's actually a really good sleeper" but it honestly really bugs me. I don't know why, maybe because even the sleepless nights are SO worth it and are a blessing and it took us so long to get here. As hard as it was seeing negative after negative, it was truly a blessing that it took us so long to be able to get pregnant because it's opened my eyes and makes me appreciate everything just THAT much more. 

Giving birth was nothing like I imagined it being, especially not having mom and dad physically by my side, or seeing them hold my first born. But, the more I think about it, I know that God made us wait until now to have kids, because now is the most important time I need reminded how much my parents love me. I know for a fact we were finally blessed with Kyan after mom and dad, to feel the love we have for our child, and know thats how much mom and dad loves us!