Tuesday, June 28, 2011

oh boy.

well today i caught up on the bachelorette! yes, i know that show is pretty much just a train wreck but i can't help but to watch it cuz i think i'm a little obsessed haha. it's not the same without watching it with my mom though. before i moved, every monday night after my mom got home we would go downstairs, cuddle up in blankets and watch the bachelor/bachelorette and have just a little girls night. miss that like crazy, but for now i'm stuck with just keepin up on it from the internet (:

go JP (:

for dinner me and justin had some spongebob mac and cheese n chicken nuggets, yes we're still kids at heart!
and then went on a walk around our cute little town and took some pictures:

front/back of our apartment building

gochsheim: the little town we live in...sign entering it and leaving it

little field down the road

cute little german house and their garden

walkin through the field (you see lots of people doing that here)

one of the many cute painted garages here

part of our little town

haha - helping justin carry in all his gear - wearing his heavy ruck sack!

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